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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Why I Love CFBC — A Love for Gospel Proclamation

Why I Love Christ Fellowship Bible Church [part 6]
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Christ Fellowship Bible Church

There are many reasons why I love CFBC. This continues the series as to why I love the flock of God at CFBC.

1. CFBC Has a Love for the Truth of Scripture.
2. CFBC Loves, Cares for, Prays for, & Encourages Me as Their Teaching Shepherd.
3. CFBC comprises people from different races, nationalities, cultures, backgrounds & ages.
4. CFBC zealously pursues holiness and conformity to Christlikeness in all things.
5. CFBC seeks to apply the vision statement of the church, namely, to be a disciple-making church.

6. CFBC evidences a passion for evangelism, soul-willing, open-air preaching & gospel proclamation.

The greatest news in the entire universe is that God has made one way that hopeless and helpless sinners can be reconciled with Him; and this one way is found through Jesus Christ. The message of Christ and Him crucified, resurrected, ascended, interceding, and coming back in judgment is the glorious message that must be heralded with power and fervency.

CFBC demonstrates a passion for evangelism and gospel proclamation. The flock at CFBC evidences a passion for evangelism because many believers do it consistently. It does not take one form only. Not all of the evangelistic ‘methods’ look the same. But the message is the same; that does not change, regardless of the method. The timeless message must be faithfully proclaimed by believers so that the lost can see their sin and their desperate need for a Savior.

Evangelism takes many forms at CFBC. Door to door evangelism, sitting with a co-worker and sharing Christ with them, evangelizing family members and children in the home, handing out tracts at various venues, open air preaching at Metro stations, open air preaching and tract distribution at sporting events and festivals all are some ways that CFBC gets the gospel out to the community and the city. Again, there is not only one way of evangelism. But there must be only one message of evangelism. The biblical gospel must not be ‘shared’ as if someone is sharing an opinion about a new restaurant. The gospel is the only message whereby hellbound sinners can be ransomed by God’s sovereign grace and adopted into His eternal and loving family by faith alone in Christ’s work alone. The gospel must be proclaimed! Believers must urge the nonbelievers to repent and believe! It’s not a sharing of ideas, worldviews, or opinions. We endeavor to persuade the lost to turn from their sin and flee to Christ! CFBC demonstrates this passion amongst its members and for that, I praise God! God has so blessed CFBC with a love for evangelism which springs from a love for the gospel. And a love for the gospel results in a love for the lost in proclaiming boldly, unflinchingly, unashamedly, and courageously speaking of man’s total depravity and radical inability, God’s holy, righteous, and just character, Christ’s perfect life, substitutionary death, victorious resurrection and second coming, the faith whereby a sinner must cling to Christ, trust wholly in Him, surrender and bow and follow Him entirely, and count the cost to be a disciple of Christ. It is real love when someone loves the unbeliever so much to tell him this truth so that he may repent. To refuse to share the gospel is the most unloving thing that could ever be done. But to proclaim the gospel, to plead with sinners, and to beg them to be reconciled to God is the greatest privilege an ambassador of the risen King could have!